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Is the world becoming uninsurable?

478 points spking | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.202s | source
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lawlessone ◴[] No.42739777[source]
Obviously insurance companies, and i of course, would prefer if nobody anywhere ever had accidents or got sick etc

And i'd love it every lottery ticket, and horse i ever bet on was a winner

Feels like insurance companies just don't want to do their job.

They're getting paid to take someone's risk and then refusing to accept it.

replies(1): >>42739809 #
amarka ◴[] No.42739809[source]
Not sure if this is accurate. It seems they’re refusing to take the risk.
replies(1): >>42742425 #
1. lawlessone ◴[] No.42742425[source]
they only want sure thing bets these days.

Imagine I bet on a horse and then demanded the bookies pay out because it wasn't forecast to rain