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Tade0 ◴[] No.42732671[source]
> Get Started with Nue

> 1. Install Bun

Odd requirement to have. I guess they're trying to be consistent in breaking with the old paradigms.

replies(1): >>42732683 #
bitpush ◴[] No.42732683[source]


Choose one.

replies(2): >>42734207 #>>42737693 #
devalexwells ◴[] No.42737693[source]
Bun is built on web standard APIs [1]. Is your point that it's not _industry_ standard?

[1] https://bun.sh/docs/runtime/web-apis

replies(1): >>42741694 #
1. sgammon ◴[] No.42741694{3}[source]
Bun.x is not a standard API