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Oh Shit, Git?

464 points Anon84 | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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SebastianKra ◴[] No.42730483[source]
We should start recommending UIs as the default way to learn Git. It would solve a third of these problems and another third wouldn't even come up.

If you later decide that the CLI is faster, go ahead. But first, people need to see visually how they can interact with the tree.

I like fork.dev, but most clients are pretty similar at this point.

replies(14): >>42731131 #>>42731315 #>>42731362 #>>42731414 #>>42731485 #>>42731663 #>>42731730 #>>42732771 #>>42732796 #>>42732944 #>>42734694 #>>42739237 #>>42740117 #>>42747946 #
1. qalmakka ◴[] No.42740117[source]
GUI git clients are amazing in the hands of expert users, but terrible for any newcomer that has to actually use Git (and it's not like a designer checking out the source once or twice a month).

The gripe I have is that unless you expose people to CLIs early on, they will just not learn how to use a CLI at all. Whenever something inevitably breaks badly due to GUIs abstracting away how git really works in favour of a nicer UX, they'll end up asking someone that know Git how to fix their mess. And then, it's too late - they already know how to be productive-ish with git and how to deliver something. They can't justify investing time into learning the CLI (especially if they're not that great with Powershell or UNIX shells) so they constantly keep leaning on a colleague instead of learning.

This is not an hypothetical scenario - this really happened regularly at a place I worked at. Innumerable internal training lessons on Git went wasted due to people forgetting everything immediately by using Fork instead of the shell, and then pestering a handful of senior devs. Once IT banned Fork people were forced to use the terminal more often, so they had to learn how to use git for good and actually retained that knowledge via muscle memory.

The adage I've learnt over the course of the years is that the majority of people will go to any length to avoid learning new stuff. It's mentally less tiring to either waste their time doing stuff in an unproductive way than learning new things. IMHO it's better to force people to learn stuff the "right way" early on than let them pick up bad habits and then having to correct them later.