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142 points diodorus | 2 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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sandworm101 ◴[] No.42738082[source]
>> I try to keep that in mind when I’m excavating today; scholars of the future are counting on us to leave the best documentation we can.

The answer is to stop digging. It is understood that imaging techniques will eventually be good enough that artifacts may soon be studdied without disturbing the surrounding soil, without destroying all that evidence that future generations might be able to use. Of course that means disrupting the dig-to-museum/auction/television pipeline that funds the field.

replies(2): >>42738894 #>>42741483 #
1. rastignack ◴[] No.42738894[source]
Who knows what will happen in Syria in the next decades. We need to document as much as we can, while we can.
replies(1): >>42743289 #
2. detourdog ◴[] No.42743289[source]
Here is something regarding a 3d scan of a building destroyed by Isis. https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2016/may/27/isis-palmyra-...