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PostgreSQL Anonymizer

243 points chynkm | 3 comments | | HN request time: 0.002s | source
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dandiep ◴[] No.42735562[source]
This is a fantastic idea. Now how to get it on RDS…
replies(5): >>42735841 #>>42735970 #>>42737722 #>>42738098 #>>42738223 #
1. zdc1 ◴[] No.42735841[source]
Assuming if it's for a support team or internal users with a lower SLA, I wonder if it's possible to have a small self-hosted PostgreSQL server that basically acts as a shim by holding a foreign-data wrapper connection to the actual RDS instance
replies(2): >>42735969 #>>42744669 #
2. ◴[] No.42735969[source]
3. daamien ◴[] No.42744669[source]
This called "Masking Data Wrappers"
