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Learn Yjs Interactively

296 points paulgb | 2 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
1. essentia0 ◴[] No.42735656[source]
So perplexing - in the interactive demos, the latency slider acts not as a network latency but more a debounce buffer? Why? Why? I just don't get it
replies(1): >>42737690 #
2. paulgb ◴[] No.42737690[source]
We wanted to go with the simplest model of latency that would suffice to demonstrate the problems that come up when dealing with state mutated in multiple locations. The advantage of this approach is that we can do it without hiding any state from the reader — the pie chart exposes the only internal state that exists. It’s not meant to be an accurate network simulation, just to build intuition.