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744 points DearNarwhal | 7 comments | | HN request time: 0.001s | source | bottom
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Beijinger ◴[] No.42731367[source]
My buddy will soon offer an RSS reader. I will post it here.

Yes, you can create an RSS feed from a Youtube Channel. You can can create an RSS feed from Reddit.

You can't to my best knowledge create an RSS feed anymore from Twitter

Newsletter to RSS: https://kill-the-newsletter.com/

More stuff:

Blogs & RSS https://rssfeedasap.com/ https://code.rosaelefanten.org/rssparser.lisp/dir?ci=tip

This one you have to pay. I am considering it. Some RSS feeds don't work on my TinyTinyRSS. I think cloudflare, like always, is killing it:


PS: If you have an idea for a RSS reader domain, please suggest.

replies(8): >>42731782 #>>42732613 #>>42733140 #>>42733602 #>>42733836 #>>42735591 #>>42739771 #>>42742573 #
1. mattlutze ◴[] No.42735591[source]
Does the world need another RSS reader/mousetrap? We already have so many.


What is your friend's idea to revolutionize with their new reader?

replies(4): >>42735635 #>>42736145 #>>42736418 #>>42740005 #
2. mro_name ◴[] No.42735635[source]
yes it does. The world is full of 'another's.
3. nejsjsjsbsb ◴[] No.42736145[source]
Lol the result I got from your search was "rss readers on ebay" ad followed by links all with N top RSS readers for varying N, often 7 or 10.
4. soapdog ◴[] No.42736418[source]
Someone doesn't really need a reason to build something besides that they want to build it. I built many RSS readers and I was not trying to revolutionise anything, I was just having fun. This mindset of "revolution" and "disruption" will block you from actually just doing the things you want sometimes.
replies(2): >>42740027 #>>42768652 #
5. rollcat ◴[] No.42740005[source]
> Does the world need another RSS reader/mousetrap? We already have so many.

And we also have near-universal OPML import/export, so the cost of switching is minimised.

> What is your friend's idea to revolutionize with their new reader?

You don't need a revolution to make your app compelling, you just need to improve on status quo. RSS has a lot of shortcomings, most importantly discoverability.

Here's a simple idea: crowdsourced discovery. Users could opt-in to anonymously share their feed list (whole or parts); keyword-based categorisation could group them into topics; etc. The reader could use an algorithm (haha, we're coming full circle) to suggest interesting topics, feeds, posts. Honestly I'd be interested in something like <https://kagi.com/smallweb/>.

Extra kudos if the dataset is released publicly.

6. fourside ◴[] No.42740027[source]
I guess it depends on the goal. If you just want to build things then you don’t need anyone’s permission, but if you want people to use it or to make a living off it, it’s important to know why people would use what you’re building.
7. mattlutze ◴[] No.42768652[source]
One of my soapboxes is that the world is full of really smart people trying to solve solved problems for the sake of having done something that feels like something. I advocate for people taking that creative energy and pointing it at partially/poorly/un- solved problems.

If that's developing to offer (OP in particualrly said their friend would soon be offering a new service) an RSS Reader because there's something to actually innovate and more fully solve a problem, then it's great. Otherwise, it's just fodder for AdWords and Facebook when they eventually try to build acquisition for a business around it.