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Is the world becoming uninsurable?

478 points spking | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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MagicMoonlight ◴[] No.42734580[source]
What are we betting that the Americans rebuild in wood again? It seems like they never learn. We had a single city fire like this 500 years ago and since then we haven’t… because we built the city back in brick instead of wood.
replies(3): >>42734589 #>>42734741 #>>42735251 #
ohazi ◴[] No.42734589[source]

Options are wood again, or steel and concrete.

replies(1): >>42735108 #
TheCapeGreek ◴[] No.42735108[source]
Somehow, all these nations around the world with earthquakes still have their houses standing.

Why is it always whataboutism with earthquakes when presented with "don't build houses out of matchsticks"?

replies(2): >>42735298 #>>42735575 #
1. locallost ◴[] No.42735575[source]
They do not have their houses standing. Look at the recent earthquake in Turkey and Syria. 60k dead and 150 billion in damage.