Moment of the breakup:
Moment of the breakup:
Apart from obviously double-checking for leaks, we will add fire suppression to that volume and probably increase vent area. Nothing so far suggests pushing next launch past next month.
However if you see the stream you can see one of the tanks rapidly emptied before loss of signal
It seems this was not survivable regardless of fire or not
> we had an oxygen/fuel leak
If that's correct, then you can't just remove air. The only option would be to cool things down so it stops burning.
Also water would make it hotter, given this is liquid oxygen.
Next engine revision (Raptor 3) should help, as it is much simplified and quite less likely to leak or get damaged during flight.
We know nothing, but the test having good data on what went wrong is a great starting point.
How does Halon works?
And you can have fires where both fuel and oxidiser are solid: thermite reactions.
"Fire point" seems to be more of a factor for conventional fire concerns, albeit I'm judging a phrase I've not heard before by a stub-sized Wikipedia page:
- a fuel
- an oxidizer
- enough heat
It's the fire triangle.
Which is why I said water would raise the temperature because the oxygen is liquid oxygen — i.e. very cold.
I mentioned solid phase because you were saying "if you mixed liquid oxygen and fuel nothing would happen". There are also videos of people starting fires by pouring LOX onto things.
The fuel and oxidiser in a rocket are often pumped around the outside of the engine bell before reaching the injectors, in order to keep the engine bell itself from melting due to the heat of combustion. I'm not sure exactly what temperature the fuel and oxidiser are at when they hit the injector, but I've seen ground tests where there's frost on the outer wall while the engine is running.
Also, one of the (rare) Falcon rocket failures was due to ice (IIRC oxygen ice) building up around the plumbing during flight:
Water is hotter than liquid oxygen indeed, but it's still much colder than a fire with fuel and oxygen.
> I mentioned solid phase because you were saying "if you mixed liquid oxygen and fuel nothing would happen". There are also videos of people starting fires by pouring LOX onto things.
Do you have an example of such a video? Because in all liquid oxygen I could find on YouTube right now they are always setting the thing on fire (which gives it the initial heat). As I said, it's possible that some mixture of pure oxygen and some fuel have a fire point that is below 0°C, in which case water wouldn't work. But then you could use another (non-flamable) fluid that would be at a temperature below that fire point.
> The fuel and oxidiser in a rocket are often pumped around the outside of the engine bell before reaching the injectors, in order to keep the engine bell itself from melting due to the heat of combustion. I'm not sure exactly what temperature the fuel and oxidiser are at when they hit the injector
The temperature when they hit the injector is irrelevant, what matters is the temperature at the fire boundary.
Imagine a gas stove: the gas reaches the injector around room temperature, but as soon as it reaches the flame of the previous gas (or a match, or a spark from the piezo igniter), it starts burning. But if you pour a glass of water on it (or if you just turn the gas on without igniting it), it will stop burning, and the gas is now just going to spread into the room without burning (don't do this at home, you'd blow up your house)