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kirubakaran ◴[] No.42732804[source]
> A major project will discover that it has merged a lot of AI-generated code

My friend works at a well-known tech company in San Francisco. He was reviewing his junior team member's pull request. When asked what a chunk of code did, the team member matter-of-factly replied "I don't know, chatgpt wrote that"

replies(16): >>42733064 #>>42733126 #>>42733357 #>>42733510 #>>42733737 #>>42733790 #>>42734461 #>>42734543 #>>42735030 #>>42735130 #>>42735456 #>>42735525 #>>42735773 #>>42736703 #>>42736792 #>>42737483 #
DowsingSpoon ◴[] No.42733737[source]
I am fairly certain that if someone did that where I work then security would be escorting them off the property within the hour. This is NOT Okay.
replies(5): >>42733887 #>>42733897 #>>42734054 #>>42734331 #>>42734746 #
bitmasher9 ◴[] No.42733897[source]
Where I work we are actively encouraged to use more AI tools while coding, to the point where my direct supervisor asked why my team’s usage statistics were lower than company average.
replies(1): >>42733926 #
dehrmann ◴[] No.42733926[source]
It's not necessarily the use of AI tools (though the license parts are an issue), is that someone submitted code for review without knowing how it works.
replies(3): >>42733954 #>>42734138 #>>42735136 #
xiasongh ◴[] No.42734138[source]
Didn't people already do that before, copy and pasting code off stack overflow? I don't like it either but this issue has always existed, but perhaps it is more common now
replies(3): >>42734276 #>>42734384 #>>42734669 #
1. rixed ◴[] No.42734384[source]
Or importing a new library that's not been audited. Or compile it with a compiler that's not been audited? Or run it on silicon that's not been audited?

We can draw the line in many places.

I would take generated code that a rookie obtained from an llm and copied without understanding all of it, but that he has thoughtfully tested, over something he authored himself and submitted for review without enough checks.

replies(2): >>42734895 #>>42735242 #
2. yjftsjthsd-h ◴[] No.42734895[source]
> We can draw the line in many places.

That doesn't make those places equivalent.

3. whatevertrevor ◴[] No.42735242[source]
That's a false dichotomy. People can write code themselves and thoroughly test it too.