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744 points DearNarwhal | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.212s | source
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Beijinger ◴[] No.42731367[source]
My buddy will soon offer an RSS reader. I will post it here.

Yes, you can create an RSS feed from a Youtube Channel. You can can create an RSS feed from Reddit.

You can't to my best knowledge create an RSS feed anymore from Twitter

Newsletter to RSS: https://kill-the-newsletter.com/

More stuff:

Blogs & RSS https://rssfeedasap.com/ https://code.rosaelefanten.org/rssparser.lisp/dir?ci=tip

This one you have to pay. I am considering it. Some RSS feeds don't work on my TinyTinyRSS. I think cloudflare, like always, is killing it:


PS: If you have an idea for a RSS reader domain, please suggest.

replies(8): >>42731782 #>>42732613 #>>42733140 #>>42733602 #>>42733836 #>>42735591 #>>42739771 #>>42742573 #
acidburnNSA ◴[] No.42731782[source]
Rsshub can give you a RSS feed for Twitter but you have to give it a web session cookie which kinda freaks me out and probably violates the current TOS.
replies(2): >>42732048 #>>42733752 #
1. nmz ◴[] No.42733752[source]
What are they going to do? ban you? if so they're doing you a favor.