> Your Markdown- based content generates semantic HTML
HTML is far more expressive in semantics, so using markdown to get html means you will never be able to get most semantic things you actually wanted.
React couples the structure, styling into js components only if you make it so. You can just write style.css, import it and refer to it is classname as `className="my_custom_class"`.
And there is no clean separation of concern when it comes to html, css and js. You can force to separate them, but that would be a separation of technologies, not concerns - they are too intertwined to be separated.
And the example of island on the tutorials proves that:
<form @name="contact-me" @submit.prevent="submit" autocomplete="on">
There is no way to create a standard-first framework without introducing some form of DSL. This doesnt look like html, this doesnt look like js, and it is def not primarily css based anything.
The project is nice, using new features like starting style, view transition - instead of js based solutions is cool. There are a lot of experimental features, like popover api. The browser support is low and those things are not production-ready for everyone (maybe for some).
The approach is good, the site is good, the docs are good, but I dont like the distinction from competitors. Like I can use all those features in react/vue/astro/qwik. What makes you unique? Being able to apply web standard solutions? How about something along the lines - we create better primitives so you can create you website faster/easier?