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No Calls

1603 points ezekg | 2 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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freetanga ◴[] No.42730383[source]
Been on the other side, running Technology in 3 listed companies.

People came telling me they could do anything, but everything was too shallow.

I turned it around. I would say “we have 40 mins. I will run through a list of our current pain points or challenges. If you feel you can add value to any of those, pick your best 3 and shoot an email and specific material next week”

The change was dramatic. Many sales people actually thanked later saying it was much more productive for them too.

replies(2): >>42731096 #>>42733045 #
1. portaouflop ◴[] No.42733045[source]
Most people you talk to on that level either don’t know what the pain points are or don’t want to tell you out of fear that you exploit that knowledge.
replies(1): >>42733953 #
2. freetanga ◴[] No.42733953[source]
Most colleagues in the same role in the same industry are good friends or friends of friends.

We have lunch or dinner now and then and meet at sector events. We share a lot of what are our challenges, what works, what doesn’t, who is good and who is not and how much we are paying our suppliers

If a sales person took the info across the street, chances are a) they already known about it or b) the person across the street will ring me to let me know.

Again, I don’t meet the sales rank and file, in many cases the Senior Partner across the table also knows me well (past clients, suppliers or colleagues).