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174 points tipiirai | 7 comments | | HN request time: 0.001s | source | bottom
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tipiirai ◴[] No.42722858[source]
Author here: this is Nue's new, more natural direction. Our previous focus on design engineers and CSS design systems was accurate, but missed the most important point: the web platform itself has evolved to eliminate the need for most framework abstractions. What began as elegant HTML, CSS, and JavaScript has devolved into build systems demanding hundreds of dependencies just to render a page.

This is a long term, ambitious project to strip away these artificial layers and return web development to its core strengths. Instead of fighting web standards, we're taking them to their absolute peak.

Happy to hear your feedback.

replies(6): >>42732432 #>>42732783 #>>42732807 #>>42736025 #>>42740718 #>>42743512 #
1. bitpush ◴[] No.42732807[source]
What's your reasoning behind the choice of markdown?

To quote yourself -

> What began as elegant HTML, CSS, and JavaScript has devolved into build systems demanding hundreds of dependencies just to render a page

If HTML is so elegant, why isnt nuejs not using it?


On the similar line, if you're so much for web standards, why are you recommending the use of Bun which breaks so much of standards in the name of speed?

replies(1): >>42732982 #
2. tipiirai ◴[] No.42732982[source]
HTML for layout, Markdown for content. How else could it be?
replies(1): >>42733135 #
3. bitpush ◴[] No.42733135[source]
The entire nuejs route is built using markdown. https://github.com/nuejs/nue/tree/master/packages/examples/s...

which is totally non-standard. Super common, but non-standard. You compiled the markdown to html using a tool (another non-standard item)

You dont get to claim "standards-first" framework and then use non-standard technology and workflow.

replies(1): >>42733784 #
4. tipiirai ◴[] No.42733784{3}[source]
In Nue you're literally writing standard HTML, CSS and JavaScript when developing websites. Your Markdown- based content generates semantic HTML. Your styling is pure CSS with modern features like nesting and container queries. JavaScript remains vanilla JavaScript.
replies(1): >>42735611 #
5. igravious ◴[] No.42735611{4}[source]
I'm not literally writing" standard HTML, I'm literally writing Markdown and the tool you've yet to fully realise is generating* HTML from the Markdown I'm literally writing.
replies(2): >>42746620 #>>42751464 #
6. tipiirai ◴[] No.42746620{5}[source]
You nailed it. Content separated from the structure. As it should be.
7. klibertp ◴[] No.42751464{5}[source]
The issue here is that the GP probably doesn't consider writing content to be related to developing the website.

Which is fair. It's one way of looking at it. Once, a really long time ago, I made a website (e-shop) where the content was written in an XML file, sliced and diced by XSLT via a little PHP script. My job was to write the (X)HTML for the layout and XSLT for data extraction - the content was something my client provided. If they provided the content in Markdown, I'd use markdown-to-html converter instead. Crucially, if I were provided with content in HTML, I'd also handle it (most likely not by directly pasting it into the page, though). I'm sure you can change the format in Nue trivially and write your posts in HTML if you want (right, @tipiirai?)