Lately I've been asked to avoid merge-commits. They pollute the logs?
If my push is blocked I am too far behind I create a new temp branch of master and do a "merge --squash" to it and then a "reset --hard" from temp branch back to my original branch.
Heck sometimes I rather keep my changes in patches to void does darn merge CONFLICTS...specially when rebasing.
I think that people that think merge commits "pollute the logs" are missing key git features such as `--first-parent`. Git is natively a graph. It gets a lot of powers from that. If you don't want to see all the details of the "subway diagram", add `--first-parent` as a default and focus on the higher level. Merge commits help avoid later conflicts by saving how earlier conflicts were solved. Three-way merging in general and many of git's more complex merging strategies all work better if you save the merge commits. Rebasing throws that baby of information out with the bath water. (It's also useful information to have as a developer needing to archeology dive for how a regression happened. With a merge commit you can see the fingerprints of a bad merge or a mistake that wasn't caught in an ugly merge. With a rebase or squash that information is gone, you have no idea where to find the bad or ugly merges, that data is swept under the rug.)