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Starship Flight 7

649 points chinathrow | 2 comments | | HN request time: 0.533s | source
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paulpauper ◴[] No.42731334[source]
of course, no space x event is complete without the scam fake streams







replies(8): >>42731344 #>>42731350 #>>42731424 #>>42731643 #>>42731647 #>>42731813 #>>42731906 #>>42732229 #
sebzim4500 ◴[] No.42731344[source]
It is incredibly to me that Google doesn't seem to give a shit about this. It would be so easy to fix.
replies(5): >>42731425 #>>42731451 #>>42731597 #>>42731764 #>>42732025 #
notahacker ◴[] No.42731764[source]
Feels like one SpaceX could and should deal with by DMCAing the channels. Even if getting people watching their official channel instead isn't that important to them, stopping people rebroadcasting their content whilst faking their brand identity to scam people feels like the most legitimate reason for sending takedowns going...
replies(2): >>42731930 #>>42732128 #
ceejayoz ◴[] No.42731930[source]
They make new ones each time. By the time the stream is over, they’ve already promoted their shitcoins and don’t care what happens to the channel.
replies(1): >>42732218 #
1. jazzyjackson ◴[] No.42732218[source]
They could do what TikTok does and require you to have x number of followers from your videos before allowing live streaming, but then you just make a market for sockpuppet followers.
replies(1): >>42732408 #
2. chedabob ◴[] No.42732408[source]
I suspect some of these channels are on stolen accounts.

One of them has the "Official Artist Channel" badge, and a handful of completely unrelated videos.