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Oh Shit, Git?

464 points Anon84 | 3 comments | | HN request time: 0.707s | source
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pitaj ◴[] No.42729155[source]
Some changes I would make:

1. Always use `git switch` instead of `git checkout`

2. Avoid `reset --hard` at all costs. So for the "accidentally committed something to master that should have been on a brand new branch" issue, I would do this instead:

    # create a new branch from the current state of master
    git branch some-new-branch-name
    # switch to the previous commit
    git switch -d HEAD~
    # overwrite master branch to that commit instead
    git switch -C master
    # switch to the work branch you created
    git switch some-new-branch-name
    # your commit lives in this branch now :)
3. I'd apply the same to the `cherry-pick` version of "accidentally committed to the wrong branch":

    git switch name-of-the-correct-branch
    # grab the last commit to master
    git cherry-pick master
    # delete it from master
    git switch -d master~
    git switch -C master
4. And also to the "git-approved" way for "Fuck this noise, I give up.":

    # get the lastest state of origin
    git fetch origin
    # reset tracked files
    git restore -WS .
    # delete untracked files and directories
    git clean -d --force
    # reset master to remote version
    git switch -d origin/master
    git switch -C master
    # repeat for each borked branch
replies(11): >>42729838 #>>42729902 #>>42730974 #>>42731510 #>>42731713 #>>42731798 #>>42731885 #>>42732130 #>>42734933 #>>42737820 #>>42740404 #
lalaithion ◴[] No.42729838[source]
The disconnect between git's beautiful internal model of blobs, a tree of commits, and pointers to commits, and the command line interface is so wild. All of these recipes are unintuitive even if you have a firm grasp of git's model; you also need to know the quirks of the commands! To just look at the first one... wouldn't it be more intuitive for the command line interface to be:

    # this command exists already;
    $ git switch -c some-new-branch-name
    # is there a command that simply moves a branch from one commit to another without changing anything else? It feels like it should be possible given how git works.
    $ git move-branch master HEAD~
replies(8): >>42729951 #>>42729992 #>>42730629 #>>42730721 #>>42730733 #>>42730978 #>>42731467 #>>42740395 #
1. lilyball ◴[] No.42731467[source]
The "move a branch" command is `git push .`. Yes, you can push to the current repo. I have a script called git-update-branch which just does some preflight checks and then runs `git push --no-verify . +$branch@{upstream}:$branch` to reset a branch back to its upstream version.
replies(1): >>42733696 #
2. zahlman ◴[] No.42733696[source]
> The "move a branch" command is `git push .`. Yes, you can push to the current repo.

Wouldn't that copy a branch rather than moving it?

replies(1): >>42764674 #
3. lilyball ◴[] No.42764674[source]
"move a branch" means changing the commit the branch points to. `git push . $sha:$branch` will update $branch to point to $sha (you'll probably want to force this, unless you're just fast-forwarding the branch).