See also: Docker. Probably lots of others.
Git's CLI isn't elegant, but it really isn't that big of a deal if you understand the basics of what a commit is, what a branch is etc.
I struggle to understand why so many devs decide to treat it like mysterious arcane sorcery instead of just spending the needed time on learning how it works.
The same can be said about regexes.
Regexes and git are probably the two tools which I have benefitted the most from learning compared to how little time I've spend on learning them - and I wouldn't even consider myself an expert on either.
For example: you have bazilion ways to achieve the same thing, all of them having its own quirks/advantages?
It is just poorly designed, that's it, lol.
I like to joke that if somebody else invented Git, then it'd be 10% less powerful, but 10 times more user-friendly
Yes, that's what people mean when they say that git is hard. Instead of presenting you with an interface expressed in terms of the domain you intend to work in, whose commands represent the tasks you intend to perform, git dumps its guts all over the place and requires each user to re-implement the interface between "what you want to do" and "how git is built" inside their own brains instead. Once you have written git's missing user interface in your brain, you are fine; but that's a lot of work which is not necessary with other version-control systems.
It's like complaining about languages ("English is hard to spell and doesn't have consistent pronunciation" etc.), they're constantly changing and that kind of thing is going to happen eventually...