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Oh Shit, Git?

464 points Anon84 | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.216s | source
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javier_e06 ◴[] No.42730659[source]
Lately I've been asked to avoid merge-commits. They pollute the logs? If my push is blocked I am too far behind I create a new temp branch of master and do a "merge --squash" to it and then a "reset --hard" from temp branch back to my original branch. Heck sometimes I rather keep my changes in patches to void does darn merge CONFLICTS...specially when rebasing.
replies(4): >>42730740 #>>42730864 #>>42731305 #>>42732035 #
1. pitaj ◴[] No.42730864[source]
Hard to understand exactly what your issue is here. Typically when people say "avoid merge commits" they mean they want you to almost always rebase instead of merge. Can you give an example or something?