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David Lynch has died

1190 points wut42 | 5 comments | | HN request time: 0.001s | source
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handfuloflight ◴[] No.42729452[source]
"My childhood was elegant homes, tree-lined streets, the milkman, building backyard forts, droning airplanes, blue skies, picket fences, green grass, cherry trees. Middle America as it's supposed to be. But on the cherry tree there's this pitch oozing out – some black, some yellow, and millions of red ants crawling all over it. I discovered that if one looks a little closer at this beautiful world, there are always red ants underneath. Because I grew up in a perfect world, other things were a contrast."

David Lynch

replies(8): >>42729514 #>>42729571 #>>42729726 #>>42729809 #>>42730339 #>>42733368 #>>42734436 #>>42734793 #
nathcd ◴[] No.42729726[source]
"What a heavy load Einstein must've had. Fuckin' morons, everywhere."

David Lynch

replies(3): >>42729774 #>>42729798 #>>42730322 #
sk11001 ◴[] No.42729798[source]
I have never seen a single one of his movies but I love watching interviews with him, he had an amazing presence and so much energy.
replies(11): >>42729934 #>>42730285 #>>42730372 #>>42730723 #>>42730837 #>>42731083 #>>42731342 #>>42732741 #>>42733882 #>>42734573 #>>42734824 #
gordon_freeman ◴[] No.42729934[source]
Start with "Eraserhead" and then go from there. Surreal is the word I associate with his movies and tv show (Twin Peaks) and I absolutely love watching such movies!
replies(5): >>42730168 #>>42730224 #>>42730609 #>>42730949 #>>42731015 #
1. epolanski ◴[] No.42730609[source]
Season 3 Twin Peaks is peak "I don't know what am I looking at".
replies(2): >>42730820 #>>42731772 #
2. Lio ◴[] No.42730820[source]
When it first came out I was so desperate to see it I watched the first episode twice without realising.

I spent the whole time trying to work out what was different between the "two".

I mean, it’s exactly the sort of thing he would do and I still loved it.


3. ruthmarx ◴[] No.42731772[source]
It's at least a third watching one of Kyle MacLachlan's characters walking around with brain damage.

I liked the season after a rewatch but the Dougie stuff is still tedious.

replies(1): >>42731857 #
4. MisterTea ◴[] No.42731857[source]
The Dougie stuff was silly fun. Cherry pie
replies(1): >>42740427 #
5. ruthmarx ◴[] No.42740427{3}[source]
It wasn't particularly entertaining and was well overdone.