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David Lynch has died

1190 points wut42 | 3 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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diggan ◴[] No.42729158[source]
Sad to hear. Personally I think I've only seen Mulholland Drive before, but long time ago. I enjoy surreal movies in general, so kind of weird I haven't seen more of Lynch's work. What personal favorites do other HNers have, of what he'd done?
replies(9): >>42729187 #>>42729288 #>>42729296 #>>42729381 #>>42729567 #>>42729575 #>>42729625 #>>42729730 #>>42730112 #
Starlevel004 ◴[] No.42729187[source]
Twin Peaks is the best TV show ever made
replies(1): >>42729250 #
darkr ◴[] No.42729250[source]
The first season is a masterpiece. Second season goes off the rails and loses direction fairly early on
replies(2): >>42729325 #>>42729395 #
spokaneplumb ◴[] No.42729395[source]
Last few episodes are great again, and then we got Fire Walk With Me which is awesome. Also check out the feature-length The Missing Pieces composed of scenes cut from Fire Walk, if you haven't.

Frankly I find even the "bad" stretch of S2 better than more than half of allegedly-good TV, anyway.

replies(1): >>42730199 #
1. messe ◴[] No.42730199[source]
I agree, although on rewatches I have fast-forwarded through a lot of the James scenes in S2.
replies(1): >>42730275 #
2. spokaneplumb ◴[] No.42730275[source]
James-hate is common even among the more devoted fans of the show, I think.


I think about the "Watching Twin Peaks" comic around 2/3 down that page pretty much every time he's on screen. "Ugh yes please go," indeed.

Oddly, I liked him in The Return.

replies(1): >>42730369 #
3. messe ◴[] No.42730369[source]
I really only dislike his scenes with Evelyn to be honest, it's one of the few subplots that just bores the hell out of me.