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David Lynch has died

1190 points wut42 | 2 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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diggan ◴[] No.42729158[source]
Sad to hear. Personally I think I've only seen Mulholland Drive before, but long time ago. I enjoy surreal movies in general, so kind of weird I haven't seen more of Lynch's work. What personal favorites do other HNers have, of what he'd done?
replies(9): >>42729187 #>>42729288 #>>42729296 #>>42729381 #>>42729567 #>>42729575 #>>42729625 #>>42729730 #>>42730112 #
Starlevel004 ◴[] No.42729187[source]
Twin Peaks is the best TV show ever made
replies(1): >>42729250 #
darkr ◴[] No.42729250[source]
The first season is a masterpiece. Second season goes off the rails and loses direction fairly early on
replies(2): >>42729325 #>>42729395 #
508LoopDetected ◴[] No.42729325[source]
But it's very much redeemed by the third season, which is every bit as good as the first season, albeit rather different in tone.
replies(1): >>42729384 #
1. chikenf00t ◴[] No.42729384[source]
Part 8 of season 3 left a deep impression on me. I still think about it regularly.
replies(1): >>42731097 #
2. kgwgk ◴[] No.42731097[source]
"This is the water and this is the well. Drink full and descend. The horse is the white of the eyes and dark within."

(I had to check if that was part 8 - but of course it is.)