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David Lynch has died

1190 points wut42 | 9 comments | | HN request time: 0.234s | source | bottom
1. shanecleveland ◴[] No.42729230[source]
Love Twin Peaks. Puget Sound resident here. I can see the big driftwood log Laura Palmer was found next to from my window.
replies(3): >>42729421 #>>42729703 #>>42731014 #
2. fallinghawks ◴[] No.42729421[source]
Twin Peaks was delightfully weird. It was the sole reason I bought a TV, believe it or not.
3. MisterTea ◴[] No.42729703[source]
Another nice thing about Twin Peaks is it inspired Chris Carter's X-files and the early X-files seasons have that same dreary feel to them Twin Peaks did.
replies(2): >>42729738 #>>42729943 #
4. tines ◴[] No.42729738[source]
X-Files was another amazing show. A must-watch for my kids, when they come of age for it.
5. dfxm12 ◴[] No.42729943[source]
Aside from, obviously, David Duchovny, more than a handful of the regular Twin Peaks cast showed up in the X Files. Shapes ft. Michael Horse and Humbug ft. Michael J. Anderson are two particularly great early episodes.
replies(1): >>42731077 #
6. xenospn ◴[] No.42731014[source]
I made the pilgrimage to Snoqualmie and North Bend multiple times. David Lynch has always been my inspiration.
replies(1): >>42731505 #
7. MisterTea ◴[] No.42731077{3}[source]
Don S. Davis played Maj. Garland Briggs in Twin Peaks and Captain William Scully, Dana Scully's father in the X-files first season (and in one or two later cameos). In both he plays a stuffy high ranking military officer which is quite amusing.
replies(1): >>42731534 #
8. shanecleveland ◴[] No.42731505[source]
A lot of beautiful scenery, and the locations themselves are like characters in the show.
9. drooopy ◴[] No.42731534{4}[source]
RIP Don S. Davis, aka 90 TV's best military dad.