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218 points ahamez | 5 comments | | HN request time: 0.893s | source
1. taeric ◴[] No.42728347[source]
This and https://hint.userweb.mwn.de/understanding_mp3/index.html are both amazingly fun examples of literate programming that I recommend all of the time.
replies(1): >>42729174 #
2. WillAdams ◴[] No.42729174[source]
I've been keeping a list of Literate Programs published as books, as well as supporting texts:


I'd be glad to know of any I missed, or of a similar resource for websites.

replies(2): >>42734834 #>>42737951 #
3. granter ◴[] No.42734834[source]
There is of course Bob Nystrom's https://craftinginterpreters.com
replies(1): >>42737525 #
4. WillAdams ◴[] No.42737525{3}[source]
Thanks! Added it, and put a copy in my Amazon cart...
5. taeric ◴[] No.42737951[source]
Great list! Sibling addition of Nostrom's book is a great addition. Not exactly the same, but close enough that I think it makes sense on the list.