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No Calls

1603 points ezekg | 3 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
1. that_guy_iain ◴[] No.42726650[source]
I find it quite funny that if you go to the pricing page, they'll funnel you into a call if you get to the enterprise part.
replies(2): >>42726751 #>>42730465 #
2. ◴[] No.42726751[source]
3. ezekg ◴[] No.42730465[source]
I've touched on it in a few places, but you're right that there feels like a disconnect there which I didn't catch until pointed out. But there really isn't too much of a disconnect, and it's nothing nefarious. It's simply that over the years of doing #nocalls, I discovered that I was losing some leads that didn't want to cold email us, so instead, I added a 'discovery call' as a way to capture these leads -- not as a way to put myself, and them, into some sort of endless sales call pipeline, but as a way to start the conversation.

Really, all one of these discovery calls really are is a short 15 minute call where I intro myself for 30s, they intro themselves, and then I hear about their problem. After that, I tell them yes/no we can solve that with X/Y/Z, thenI tell them I'll follow up via email with additional links and documentation unless there are any further pressing questions. And in that email, I ask that they CC relevant team members onto the email thread for further discussion.