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43 points anarbadalov | 5 comments | | HN request time: 0.422s | source
1. imoverclocked ◴[] No.42627959[source]
Searching Google for “Gravy Analytics breach” results in FTC action against said company for illegally tracking consumers. Among the results are mentions of HIPAA violations… which in 2025 USA is actually a really big deal.

For all of the “but I have nothing to hide” crowd, you need to modify your slogan to, “but I have nothing to hide, right now.”

replies(2): >>42628243 #>>42628978 #
2. jimt1234 ◴[] No.42628243[source]
If you don't have something to hide, your life is lame. LOL

Seriously, though, what would the HIPAA violation be for location data? Knowledge of someone going to a doctor's office doesn't sound like a HIPAA violation. AFAIK, violations only relate to what is communicated between doctors (and other healthcare professionals) and patients.

replies(1): >>42628411 #
3. kjellsbells ◴[] No.42628411[source]
Location data generated by your phone is not covered by HIPAA (source: [1]) whereas the location of a patient undergoing treatment is. Thus, there's nothing that stops a data broker inferring that you are visiting a psychiatrist or a reproductive health clinic and sharing that insight with buyers, but the clinic/doctor cant share that you were treated at such and such location since that is personal health information (PHI).

The web page below has quite some discussion on what this means for patient privacy and how to disable certain location services on your phone.

[1] https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/privacy/guidance...)

4. from-nibly ◴[] No.42628978[source]
I would like to add the following conditions to further illustrate how fraught that sentiment is. - from the people currently in power - from the laws as they currently stand - given my understanding of all the laws that exist - from a wacko down the street with a short fuse and weaponry

Any else that I've missed?

replies(1): >>42632178 #
5. imoverclocked ◴[] No.42632178[source]
Sure, lots. Another might be: a future crazy ex that wants to know where you have been.