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Grayjay Desktop App

512 points pierrelf | 2 comments | | HN request time: 0.399s | source
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bisby ◴[] No.42474981[source]
Launching the Linux release and noticed in the logs:

Directories:User Directory: /home/bisby/Grayjay

And there is a directory there now. I absolutely hate having stuff automatically create anything in my home directory like this. Ideally, this should be following XDG directory guidelines on linux: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/latest/

replies(4): >>42475304 #>>42479118 #>>42482018 #>>42483636 #
1. retrochameleon ◴[] No.42482018[source]
You'd be interested in xdg-ninja: https://github.com/b3nj5m1n/xdg-ninja

Like others said, fighting the clean HOME fight is just draining and futile in the end. This script helps you identify low hanging fruit, though, where you can change their storage location with a simple envvar.

replies(1): >>42482696 #
2. bisby ◴[] No.42482696[source]
I've used xdg-ninja. And it does feel futile. Which is why my original comment comes across a bit more as frustrated/exasperated bug report than an HN comment.

Right now everything that xdg-ninja finds are all things with a .prefix and hidden. which is whatever. if this was ~/.grayjay, I probably would have rolled my eyes but not even bothered to comment. I'm not a stickler about XDG, but I am a bit of a stickler about not cluttering my home directory.