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98 points thunderbong | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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pavlov ◴[] No.42479172[source]
> “HTTP is also too inefficient for wireless use. By using a semantically equivalent, but binary and compressed format it is possible to reduce the protocol overhead to a few bytes per request, instead of up to hundreds of bytes.”

Around the turn of the millennium, there were numerous international committees and hundreds of millions of dollars spent by companies on this idea that we simply can’t use the existing internet on mobile phones, so there needs to be something else.

Of course for the companies it was mostly a plot to capture the web, which was uncomfortably open and uncontrolled. The mobile operators were used to charging 20 cents for sending a 140-character message and 1 euro for delivering a monophonic ringtone. They wanted to be the gatekeepers and content curators of the mobile web, taking a cut on every bit of content that flows to devices. (I remember vision PowerPoints where operators imagined that one day when video can be watched on mobile phones, they’d be making more money from each watch than the studios.)

“We must save 200 bytes on HTTP headers or the network will melt!” was just a convenient excuse to build a stack they could own end-to-end.

replies(7): >>42479197 #>>42479224 #>>42479250 #>>42479283 #>>42479399 #>>42479951 #>>42481549 #
diggan ◴[] No.42479197[source]
I don't know if you tried to use the web via 3G or even GPRS, but I remember I did, and it was terribly slow. Opera Mini/Mobile ran some sort of proxy service that made things faster (not sure how or what that was, I was too young to understand anything) and helped a little bit, but the best thing you could come across was dedicated WAP websites that basically were "website lite" versions some websites ran concurrently with their real websites.

And even so, loading a 0.1MB WAP website still took time. The pipes were really slow back then, and the devices not being like the pocket computers we have today.

> The mobile operators were used to charging 20 cents for sending a 140-character message.

In Sweden when I was young, it was pretty common for us to have monthly plans with unlimited text messages included (but not surfing, no one did that on the phone anyways). Even with that, WAP seemed to have served some sort of purpose, at least for me personally.

replies(4): >>42479245 #>>42479287 #>>42479638 #>>42481879 #
1. mxuribe ◴[] No.42481879[source]
I remember those days, and agreed things were slow...but i feel like at least the thought that went into trying to ensure code and assets implemented for mobile were better simply because devs at least tried to optimize things to improve/have the best experience possible (even with the slower pipes). Nowadays, i feel many devs fill as much javascript and framework libraries for the web experience, that we have so much bloat...and when some of these devs or their leaders are asked "what about the mobile experience for our mobile visitors/customers, etc.?"...they often respond with something along the lines as "Don't worry, we'll just send'em to the mobile app, which is managed by the separate mobile dev team....etc.". Or, maybe i',m too cynical these days? :-)