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98 points thunderbong | 2 comments | | HN request time: 0.401s | source
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2-3-7-43-1807 ◴[] No.42479193[source]
this should have a (2018) in the title.

anyway - is wap still an interesting or relevant technology? "relevant" from the perspective of someone with a hacker mindset. from a modern perspective it is probably just useless.

replies(1): >>42479317 #
1. Kwpolska ◴[] No.42479317[source]
It is not interesting or relevant in any way, I doubt any mobile network still supports WAP.
replies(1): >>42479859 #
2. lxgr ◴[] No.42479859[source]
Given that this is a WAP gateway, you don't need your mobile network to support WAP; a TCP connection to the gateway should be enough (either via IP, or via dialup, if you can still find a network that supports circuit-switched data and a low-jitter VoIP or circuit-switched landline that can terminate a data call).

> It is not interesting or relevant in any way

In a technological-historical way it definitely is. I find it pretty interesting to see how things used to be done, and try to see which design decisions were just following the hype, and which actually were ingenious solutions to real constraints of the time.