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fleabitdev ◴[] No.42471288[source]
This engine uses a Redux-like architecture. You have a State type (containing data like "the position of the black kingside rook") and a stream of in-game actions (like "knight to F3"). Each action is handled by a pure function which converts the current State to a new State. You can either transmit State deltas from the server to the client, or just transmit the actions themselves (https://longwelwind.net/blog/networking-turn-based-game/).

This design makes it easy to implement optimistic updates, rollback, replays, automated testing, and recovery after a disconnection. It's a surprisingly good fit for UI, too; you can render simple games as a React component which takes the current State as one of its props.

However, a stream of context-free actions can be a really inconvenient representation for some games. The rules of a board game are often like the control flow of a computer program: you'll see branching, iteration, local variables, function calls, structured concurrency, and sometimes even race conditions and reentrancy. When you try to represent all of this logic as a State object, you're basically maintaining a snapshot of a "call stack" as plain data, and manually resuming that "program" whenever you handle an action. It doesn't seem ideal.

I've been sketching a board game engine which would represent the game logic as normal code instead. It seems promising, but it really needs a couple of language features which don't exist in the mainstream yet, like serialisation of suspended async functions.

replies(5): >>42471791 #>>42472084 #>>42472570 #>>42475998 #>>42477605 #
1. nicolodavis ◴[] No.42477605[source]
I agree that asynchronous flows are hard to represent using a state object.

I chose to go with a monadic approach in boardgamelab.app (I'm not limited by language features since I'm designing it from the ground up for this use case). The language is pure and functional with managed effects. You can express things like:

  set of cards -> filter by action cards -> choose -> [card]
  do stuff with [card]
written in a synchronous style, while under the hood it:

1. suspends the rule.

2. waits for the user to make a choice.

3. resumes the rule with the choice made by the user.

(note: listed above is a simplified text representation. The Boardgame Lab structure editor uses a block-based visual language.)

If written in Haskell, the underlying monad would look something like this:

  {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

  newtype Rule a = Rule {fn :: State -> (RuleResult a, State)}

  data RuleResult a
    = Done a
    | forall x. Show x => Choose [x] (x -> Rule a)

  instance Monad Rule where
    m >>= k = Rule $ \state ->
      case fn m state of
        (Done a, state') -> fn (k a) state'
        (Choose list m', state') -> (Choose list (m' >=> k), state')
i.e. each rule returns either a completed result or a choice along with a continuation of the remainder of the rule past that choice.