Seriously though, this is really cool
Edit: ah, just noticed this is in the readme :(
I've been considering working on a voxel render engine (not for Bash, but for another computationally limited environment). This is a treasure, I'm certain I'll find something useful here.
>put the other 10% into some compat mode
There is nothing preventing that, just test if the string contains sane characters only and use a fast path for that. The problem is that there is no actual fast path for software text rendering, you still need to process ligatures, etc.
There's a x windows remake of it called fsv:
And then there's this even cooler UI which takes this whole idea much further called eagle mode:
Direct Links:
- (batch variant)
- (general intro)
see some basic benchmarks here
there are also associative arrays which are bucketed hash tables, which are fine for string keys but imho they are hardly ever worth it as a replacement for indexed arrays
That's in part why I do not use it for scripting. I do not use it for interactive use either.
Some popular Linux distributions also avoid bash as a scripting shell.