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Grayjay Desktop App

510 points pierrelf | 3 comments | | HN request time: 0.465s | source
1. Vt71fcAqt7 ◴[] No.42473387[source]
Seems like a verry brittle setup. Since it adds adblock by default all this will do is make youtube crack down on adblock even more.
replies(2): >>42473438 #>>42473655 #
2. duxup ◴[] No.42473438[source]
It feels like there is a trend of apps out there that are "about" creators, but then happily shaft them ...
3. Joe_Cool ◴[] No.42473655[source]
I thought so too when I started using the android version. I was surprised when GrayJay's Youtube plugin was promptly updated the same day Youtube broke it. NewPipe needed a few days to work again.