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  • wyager(3)

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A 10-Year Battery for AirTag

672 points dmd | 22 comments | | HN request time: 0.85s | source | bottom
1. Grazester ◴[] No.42465052[source]
Who leaves 10K worth of anything in their car? I get antsy leaving my $200 laptop hidden under my seat! This person is crazy.

There is also no guarantee they person who stole the bag wouldn't dump the bag(with the hidden AirTag) and just keep the gear or that the police would help recover it even if you gave them the location(many times the don't).

replies(7): >>42465061 #>>42465212 #>>42465342 #>>42465720 #>>42465728 #>>42465800 #>>42465808 #
2. xattt ◴[] No.42465061[source]
Usually, cars are worth more than 10K and they are often left out in the street!
replies(2): >>42465158 #>>42465172 #
3. Grazester ◴[] No.42465158[source]
Yeah but someone can't pick up my car and walk away with it on their back, can they now, genius?
replies(1): >>42465408 #
4. nine_k ◴[] No.42465172[source]
Cars are impractical to carry by hand, while a lot of expensive computer / photo / audio gear can easily be carried in a tote bag.
5. qazxcvbnmlp ◴[] No.42465212[source]
The amount of things you leave in your car varies strong by local. In many parts of the country you can leave the car unlocked w/ laptop inside no problem.
6. npretto ◴[] No.42465342[source]
Surely going to lunch with 10k of equipment is safer, especially when you'll need to go to the toilet.
replies(2): >>42465414 #>>42465424 #
7. withinboredom ◴[] No.42465408{3}[source]
hulk has entered the chat
8. Vegenoid ◴[] No.42465414[source]
I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not, but generally car break-ins are much more frequent than muggings. And bringing a bag of expensive equipment into the bathroom is almost certainly less risky than leaving it somewhere, whether in your car or elsewhere.
9. Grazester ◴[] No.42465424[source]
It's a backpack. You hang it on the hook on the stall door where you hang your jacket

I think there is less of a likelihood someone is going to jump you for your backpack when you are at a restaurant for lunch than there is for them breaking into a car parked only a dimly lit street for said backpack.

replies(1): >>42465860 #
10. scottyah ◴[] No.42465720[source]
Paragliders, though with the small community their resale value is pretty low so I'm not sure it's "$10k worth", even if that's what it cost.
11. grujicd ◴[] No.42465728[source]
It's not very risky to leave expensive items in the car, but in the trunk, not on the backseat! Also, never put these expensive items or really any kind of bag in the trunk after you park. Always do it before the ride. Or at least make very sure that no one is watching you.

This is a basic safety drill. And it doesn't apply to expensive things only. You don't want your window broken for a sport bag with a sweaty t-shirt used in a gym like it happened to my friend. Any kind of bag left visible in a car is a risk.

replies(3): >>42465852 #>>42466580 #>>42474983 #
12. fortran77 ◴[] No.42465800[source]
“How dare that woman wear that sexy dress! She was just asking to be raped!”

You are a terrible person.

13. wyager ◴[] No.42465808[source]
> Who leaves 10K worth of anything in their car?

People who live in a high-trust society and not a shithole? I leave $10k of stuff in my car all the time, and it would be super inconvenient if I couldn't.

replies(1): >>42466155 #
14. wyager ◴[] No.42465852[source]
> in the trunk, not on the backseat! Also, never put these expensive items or really any kind of bag in the trunk after you park... You don't want your window broken for a sport bag

A frustrating thing is that it's completely optional to live in a society where this is a problem. We know how to stop this from happening. There are places where you just don't have to live in fear of some low-life breaking your window, and we have the technical ability to replicate those conditions in any moderately-wealthy country, if we aren't prevented from doing so.

replies(1): >>42474809 #
15. theshrike79 ◴[] No.42465860{3}[source]
Except that American public toilets have gaps so large between the door and the frame that a thief can pretty much just grab the backpack without opening the door =)
replies(1): >>42466295 #
16. Grazester ◴[] No.42466155[source]
No matter how trusting I am of society this is something I cannot and will not do. It takes one person to commit this crime.

It doesn't even have to be a "shit hole", then what? I am out of 10k? I only have myself to blame then really because I trusted "society".

The world isn't perfect and I am not half naive enough to think it is and put my trust in it for anything worth this much.

replies(1): >>42467277 #
17. Grazester ◴[] No.42466295{4}[source]
I live in big City America. This is what I did. Hang my backpack on the stall hook as stated or shit with it on my lap. I carried a laptop, DSLR and lens with me for all my college life. I couldn't afford to replace anything if lost during said times as an international student whose credits cost more than 3 times that of a non-international student.
18. canucker2016 ◴[] No.42466580[source]
...except when you're still in the car, while driving in San Francisco.

Photographer had their camera bag stolen from their car while waiting to get on to an on-ramp in San Fran. see

19. phil21 ◴[] No.42467277{3}[source]
In such places folks feel comfortable leaving $10k worth of gear in their vehicle, law enforcement would most likely follow up if you had the gear tracked to a known location. I've seen such happen with the items being recovered and the thieves arrested in a matter of hours from the theft happening.

In places where leaving $10k of gear in your car is considered foolish and the victims are blamed as many are used to these days, law enforcement is useless and the victim of the theft laughed at as being hopelessly naive.

It's the tale of two worlds really.

20. 0xffff2 ◴[] No.42474809{3}[source]
Can you elaborate? I'm honestly at a loss as to what you're suggesting? Is it just that we should have extremely long jail sentences and/or executions for petty crimes, or is there some other option I'm missing?
replies(1): >>42477473 #
21. sib ◴[] No.42474983[source]
I lost > $10K of photo gear from a locked car trunk on my first trip to Hawaii (Oahu).

I shot some pictures at a photo location, put the gear, in my camera backpack, into the trunk, drove 30 minutes to a completely different town, and stopped for lunch.

When I got back to the car, the stuff was gone. Thief had jimmied the driver's door and used the remote latch to open the trunk.

Surprisingly, my renter's insurance covered the loss without a hassle, except for a $500 deductible. But three days of pictures that I hadn't yet downloaded were gone forever :(

22. wyager ◴[] No.42477473{4}[source]
Crime, as with most things, follows a power law distribution. Almost all crime is from extremely predictable repeat offenders. You could eliminate over 80% of crime just by enforcing a 3-strikes policy.