SCSI isn’t scary. It wasn’t scary in 2006 and it shouldn’t be scary today.
I share the same age as this writer, if not very close since the life events are similar e.g. high school in mid 00s. I find having a dark room and using proper technique and developer, or even Lightroom processing 10-50x more complicated then running a vintage Mac OS 9 or diving into scsi hardware.
It should not deter anyone and it had the same languish by people in the same time period.
After all these years I think manually mapping IRQs or having pop the side of the case off to move jumpers around for IRQs to be more challenging. I’m just surprised to read that SCSI is annoying. I wonder when I’ll be reading similar Context about using IDE drives or serial ports (okay baud rate issues can be annoying).
By all means not to be negative, article is excellent. I just see it as a trope: “scsi is hard”