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92 points amichail | 4 comments | | HN request time: 0.604s | source
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Larrikin ◴[] No.42205555[source]
I just don't get the obsession with eliminating the numpad. There are tons of interesting looking and innovative keyboards now and they all insist on making them as cramped as possible.

It makes sense on a laptop. But, if I already need to have a clear place on my desk for the keyboard and mouse, I'd rather just use an extra 2 inches to have the full size keyboard with the numpad and arrow keys that are not crammed against the rest of the keyboard.

replies(23): >>42205613 #>>42205614 #>>42205623 #>>42205624 #>>42205626 #>>42205662 #>>42205672 #>>42205850 #>>42206003 #>>42206244 #>>42206524 #>>42206657 #>>42206972 #>>42206999 #>>42207048 #>>42207093 #>>42207253 #>>42207254 #>>42207331 #>>42207439 #>>42207645 #>>42207723 #>>42211690 #
eviks ◴[] No.42206999[source]
Numpad forces you to move the more important piece of input equipment - mouse - further away. And with a properly aligned keyboard (none pictured in the article) it's better to have numpad near your right hand home row keys anyway to use with a modifier. Even more so for the cursor keys - instead of having to move your wrist back&forth you could just use the home row keys for that
replies(1): >>42207306 #
1. autoexecbat ◴[] No.42207306[source]
They should put the numpad on the left side then, people can learn to hit numbers with left hand, I used to do this with a dedicated usb numpad
replies(3): >>42207345 #>>42207353 #>>42207377 #
2. eviks ◴[] No.42207345[source]
But why would you need to relearn that when you can continue to use your right hand in a better position???
3. ◴[] No.42207353[source]
4. burningChrome ◴[] No.42207377[source]
Considering most of the typing you do is with your left hand, I would think that would really decrease the efficiency of your typing.