In other statically typed languages, you can do things like 'match err' and have the compiler tell you if you handled all the variants. In java you can `try { x } catch (SomeTypedException)` and have the compiler tell you if you missed any checked exceptions.
In go, you have to read the recursive call stack of the entire function you called to know if a certain error type is returned.
Can 'pgx.Connect' return an `io.EOF` error? Can it return a "tls: unknown certificate authority" (unexported string only error)?
The only way to know is to recursively read every line of code `pgx.Connect` calls and take note of every returned error.
In other languages, it's part of the type-signature.
Go doesn't have _useful_ typed errors since idiomatically they're type-erased into 'error' the second they're returned up from any method.
Should an unexpected error propagate from deep down in your call stack to your current call site, do you really think that error should be handled at this specific call-site?
and standard about exception type hierarchy
Also in most languages "catch Exception:" (or similar expression) is considered a bad style. People are taught to catch specific exceptions. Nothing like that happens in Go.