As far as accuracy, we are still working on that in the software. It is very precise (repeatable) but accuracy is going to depend on many things, including how rigid your frame is (anchors in concrete work very well here) and so most people are getting around 0.5-1mm of accuracy (so +- 0.02-0.04")
This is not a very rigid setup, so your cuts are not aggressive. If you have the space and budget for a big machine, It will be more accurate and FAR simpler software, but the maslow can be packed in a 16" cube, and setup anywhere you can glue down 4 anchors.
There is also a frame posted a few days ago that sets up with 6x 8' 2x4s
A good lowrider setup is a good option. If you can set it up so that you can use the table for other things when you don't need the CNC, it can be especially good.