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492 points storf45 | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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walrushunter ◴[] No.42154141[source]
I'm an engineering manager at a Fortune 500 company. The dumbest engineer on our team left for Netflix. He got a pay raise too.

Our engineers are fucking morons. And this guy was the dumbest of the bunch. If you think Netflix hires top tier talent, you don't know Netflix.

replies(30): >>42154160 #>>42154170 #>>42154176 #>>42154207 #>>42154212 #>>42154215 #>>42154217 #>>42154219 #>>42154225 #>>42154276 #>>42154278 #>>42154295 #>>42154314 #>>42154327 #>>42154373 #>>42154379 #>>42154399 #>>42154413 #>>42154440 #>>42154466 #>>42154547 #>>42154591 #>>42154596 #>>42154612 #>>42154786 #>>42154904 #>>42154925 #>>42155154 #>>42156451 #>>42157645 #
AlotOfReading ◴[] No.42154217[source]
I've never seen a team that has somehow managed to hire exclusively morons. Even the shittiest of call center jobs and construction crews have a few people with enough brain cells to tie their shoelaces.

Have you considered that maybe you're being overly harsh about your co-workers? Maybe take the fact that one of them was hired by a top paying employer as a sign that you should improve your own ability to judge skill?

replies(2): >>42154470 #>>42154616 #
theendisney ◴[] No.42154470[source]
I've seen tons of them! The formula is to create conditions that will make even slightly competent people leave. They hire their morron nephew, he is always 30 min late then they moan when you are 5 min late because the parking lot was blocked by their car. He always leaves 2 hours early while you do overtime that they regularly forget to pay for. Your day is filled with your own work PLUS that of your retarded coworkers who only drink coffee while joking about you doing their work. You are not as fast as the last guy! haha! If something goes wrong the morrons collectively blame you, just like the last time. You get a formal warning. etc etc The other normal person they hire is let go after 2 days because they complaint which means they didnt fit the team.

And so on

If he still works there the morron who left was less of a.

replies(1): >>42154657 #
TylerE ◴[] No.42154657{3}[source]
At least half of that is on you. NEVER work unpaid/unlogged OT.
replies(2): >>42154944 #>>42199132 #
1. theendisney ◴[] No.42199132{4}[source]
Here it is somewhat normal to "forget" so that you have to ask for it every time. My current employer has thousands of employees. "Forgetting" is good business. If money is tight they have people ask twice. You get a response like, didnt you already report this? Surely someone is working on it?