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151 points todsacerdoti | 3 comments | | HN request time: 0.404s | source
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cannibalXxx ◴[] No.42193234[source]
do you already program with this language? what is your paradigm?
replies(1): >>42193456 #
kgwgk ◴[] No.42193456[source]

This is about a language abandoned 15 years ago!

replies(1): >>42193671 #
andai ◴[] No.42193671[source]
It's buried in the article, but Lush is from 1987!
replies(2): >>42193831 #>>42193868 #
kgwgk ◴[] No.42193868[source]

  SN(1987) neural network simulator for AmigaOS (Leon Bottou, Yann LeCun)
  SN1(1988) ported to SunOS. added shared-weight neural nets and graphics (LeCun)
   |   \ 
   |   SN1.3(1989) commercial version for Unix (Neuristique)
   |   /
  SN2(1990) new lisp interpreter and graphic functions (Bottou)
     |   \ 
     |   SN2.2(1991) commercial version (Neuristique)
     |    |
     |   SN2.5(1991) ogre GUI toolkit (Neuristique)
     |   / \ 
      \ /  SN2.8(1993+) enhanced version (Neuristique)
       |     \ 
       |   TL3(1993+) lisp interpreter for Unix and Win32 (Neuristique)
       |      [GPL]
       |        \_______________________________________________
       |                                                        |
     SN27ATT(1991) custom AT&T version                          |
       |        (LeCun, Bottou, Simard, AT&T Labs)              |
       |                                                        |
     SN3(1992) IDX matrix engine, Lisp->C compiler/loader and   |
       |       gradient-based learning library                  |
       |       (Bottou, LeCun, AT&T)                            |
       |                                                        |
     SN3.1(1995) redesigned compiler, added OpenGL and SGI VL   |
       |         support (Bottou, LeCun, Simard, AT&T Labs)     |
       |                                                        |
     SN3.2(2000) hardened/cleanup SN3.x code,                   |
       |         added SDL support (LeCun)                      |
       | _______________________________________________________|
     ATTLUSH(2001) merging of TL3 interpreter + SN3.2 compiler
     [GPL]         and libraries (Bottou, LeCun, AT&T Labs).
     LUSH(2002) rewrote the compiler/loader (Bottou, NEC Research Institute)
     LUSH(2002) rewrote library, documentation, and interfaced packages
     [GPL]      (LeCun, Huang-Fu, NEC)
replies(2): >>42194549 #>>42198742 #
1. peagreen ◴[] No.42198742[source]
I love this diagram. Is there a tool that generates such things? Or is there a name for this style of diagram that I could search for?

My prime use would be generating diagrams of function call chains in large Python code bases.

replies(2): >>42204198 #>>42204242 #
2. johnisgood ◴[] No.42204198[source]
How about pycallgraph that can be exported to Graphviz?

FWIW it is called evolutionary or lineage (or hierarchical lineage) diagram I believe.

3. bandie91 ◴[] No.42204242[source]
i am also interested in this.

i found vijual[1] and mermaid-ascii[2] are good starting projects.

[1]: http://www.lisperati.com/vijual/ [2]: https://github.com/AlexanderGrooff/mermaid-ascii