Polars is missing a crucial feature for replacing pandas in Finance: first class timeseries handling. Pandas allows me to easily do algebra on timeseries. I can easily resample data with the resample(...) method, I can reason about the index frequency, I can do algebra between timeseries, etc.
You can do the same with Polars, but you have to start messing about with datetimes and convert the simple problem "I want to calculate a monthly sum anchored on the last business day of the month" to SQL-like operations.
Pandas grew a large and obtuse API because it provides specialized functions for 99% of the tasks one needs to do on timeseries. If I want to calculate an exponential weighted covariance between two time series, I can trivially do this with pandas: series1.ewm(...).cov(series2). I welcome people to try and do this with Polars. It'll be a horrible and barely readable contraption.
YC is mostly populated by technologists, and technologists are often completely ignorant about what makes pandas useful and popular. It was built by quants/scientists, for doing (interactive) research. In this respect it is similar to R, which is not a language well liked by technologists, but it is (surprise) deeply loved by many scientists.