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115 points n0vella | 3 comments | | HN request time: 0.615s | source

Show HN: Cardo - Open Source Desktop Podcast Client

Hi, I'm an amateur developer from Spain. I have released this desktop podcast client that works on Windows, Mac and Linux.

It's a modest project, but it might be useful for you, it has syncing capabilities with Antennapod, Kasts, Repod or other clients. You can manage your subscriptions, queue episodes and even download them to listen to later.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

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sciencesama ◴[] No.42196384[source]
Need to transcribe and skip ads in the podcast ! That would be a killer feature !
replies(4): >>42196419 #>>42196449 #>>42196603 #>>42196840 #
jdprgm ◴[] No.42196603[source]
I actually have a WIP cross platform app that does exactly this. It is more generic around processing any audio/video with whisper and integrating with openai or local llm's for summarization and other things but I also added a podcast specific ad skipping feature (it's not as perfect as something manual like sponsorblock for youtube yet but i'd say it's about 85% accuracy at the moment dependent on the models used)
replies(1): >>42197334 #
1. 3abiton ◴[] No.42197334[source]
Not to hijack's OP great work, but when you say 85% you mean true positives? How about the false positives?
replies(1): >>42197872 #
2. jdprgm ◴[] No.42197872[source]
My prompting is conservative to err on the side of playing an ad if there is a chance it might be part of the actual content, not really getting false positives at all yet. That being said while still in development I haven't reached the stage of running on a huge collection of podcasts to get more representative statistics.
replies(1): >>42199777 #
3. xnx ◴[] No.42199777[source]
I think the accuracy of my prompt/llm is also ~85%. I've got a collection 2500+ podcast episode transcripts (English language) with ads I'm going to try and analyze shortly to find out if I'm missing any ads, or tagging some falsely.