Hello! We are Dr. Roman Berens, Prof. Alex Lupsasca, and Trevor Gravely (PhD Candidate) and we are physicists working at Vanderbilt University. We are excited to share Black Hole Vision: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/black-hole-vision/id6737292448.
Black Hole Vision simulates the gravitational lensing effects of a black hole and applies these effects to the video feeds from an iPhone's cameras. The application implements the lensing equations derived from general relativity (see https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.12881 if you are interested in the details) to create a physically accurate effect.
The app can either put a black hole in front of the main camera to show your environment as lensed by a black hole, or it can be used in "selfie" mode with the black hole in front of the front-facing camera to show you a lensed version of yourself.