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180 points frectonz | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.212s | source

pglite-fusion is a PostgreSQL extension that allows you to embed SQLite databases into your PostgreSQL tables by enabling the creation of columns with the `SQLITE` type. This means every row in the table can have an embedded SQLite database.

In addition to the PostgreSQL `SQLITE` type, pglite-fusion provides the `query_sqlite`` function for querying SQLite databases and the `execute_sqlite` function for updating them. Additional functions are listed in the project’s README.

The pglite-fusion extension is written in Rust using the pgrx framework [1].


Implementation Details

The PostgreSQL `SQLITE` type is stored as a CBOR-encoded `Vec<u8>`. When a query is made, this `Vec<u8>` is written to a random file in the `/tmp` directory. SQLite then loads the file, performs the query, and returns the result as a table containing a single row with an array of JSON-encoded values.

The `execute_sqlite` function follows a similar process. However, instead of returning query results, it returns the contents of the SQLite file (stored in `/tmp`) as a new `SQLITE` instance.

[1] https://github.com/pgcentralfoundation/pgrx

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aerzen ◴[] No.42183560[source]
Ok, hear me out: what if we make something that takes a postgres database dir, tars it together and encodes it as a binary blob in SQLite?

We could have SQLite within postgres within sqlite within postgres! Is it practical or even slightly useful? Of course not - but it's SQL databases all the way down. Not that this is a good thing in itself.

replies(7): >>42183593 #>>42183707 #>>42183733 #>>42185175 #>>42186156 #>>42186434 #>>42186712 #
traeregan ◴[] No.42186434[source]
This is some kind of RDBMS mutant CRUDucken.
replies(1): >>42188867 #
1. sgarland ◴[] No.42188867[source]
‘Tis the season.