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244 points aml183 | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.201s | source

We are a remote company. Everything is going well. No plans to be in person, but I’d say we can do a better job at communicating. Any tips or articles to read?
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paxys ◴[] No.42150868[source]
Make conversations public by default. If you use Slack, make team channels, project channels, announcement channels etc. all public. Discourage 1:1 and private communication unless really necessary, especially for engineering topics. This single change will have an immense impact on overall company culture.
replies(15): >>42150920 #>>42150993 #>>42151105 #>>42152006 #>>42152011 #>>42152642 #>>42155060 #>>42155607 #>>42158830 #>>42185599 #>>42185634 #>>42185891 #>>42185940 #>>42186302 #>>42192048 #
bdangubic ◴[] No.42152642[source]
I’d want this as much as I used to enjoy open floor plan at the office… Discouraging 1:1 and private communication in my experience would actually have 100% opposite effect of what you are describing. This is equivalent to discouraging pair-programming which while may not be everyone’s cup of tea many find extremely productive
replies(3): >>42155249 #>>42185738 #>>42185831 #
1. spaceisballer ◴[] No.42185738[source]
I’m with you, then again Best Practices mean best for your work environment, not all. I’m currently making sure to cultivate an environment where my staff are comfortable sharing information openly. Not all of my people are comfortable announcing things to the group and want to bounce things off me or other supervisors. Sometimes you have to meet people where they are at. Like establishing the vision and just keep making sure you’re moving towards it.