It looks a bit sloppy to hardcode so many constants in a single file: `src/gauss_quadrature/`. Isn't it possible to generate them with the help of rust macros in the same way Julia uses metaprogramming?
Integrate supports a variety of numerical integration techniques: - Newton-Cotes methods:
- Rectangle Rule.
- Trapezoidal Rule.
- Simpson's Rule.
- Newton's 3/8 Rule.
- Gauss quadrature methods: - Gauss-Legendre.
- Gauss-Laguerre.
- Gauss-Hermite.
- Gauss-Chebyshev First Kind.
- Gauss-Chebyshev Second Kind.
- Adaptive Methods: - Adaptive Simpson's method
- Romberg’s method.this method is much faster and simpler.