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126 points mtantaoui | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.227s | source

Integrate is a fast, small, lightweight Rust library for performing numerical integration of real-valued functions. It is designed to integrate functions, providing a simple and efficient way to approximate definite integrals using various numerical methods.

Integrate supports a variety of numerical integration techniques: - Newton-Cotes methods:

  - Rectangle Rule.
  - Trapezoidal Rule.
  - Simpson's Rule.
  - Newton's 3/8 Rule.
- Gauss quadrature methods:

  - Gauss-Legendre.
  - Gauss-Laguerre.
  - Gauss-Hermite.
  - Gauss-Chebyshev First Kind.
  - Gauss-Chebyshev Second Kind.
- Adaptive Methods:

  - Adaptive Simpson's method
- Romberg’s method.
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wjholden ◴[] No.42184001[source]
I was always amazed that R can do:

  > integrate(dnorm, -Inf, +Inf)
  1 with absolute error < 9.4e-05
Can we do the same in this library?
replies(4): >>42184765 #>>42184870 #>>42185462 #>>42185618 #
Buttons840 ◴[] No.42184765[source]
How many evaluations of the underlying function does it make? (Hoping someone will fire up their R interpreter and find out.)

Or, probably, dnorm is a probability distribution which includes a likeliness function, and a cumulative likeliness function, etc. I bet it doesn't work on arbitrary functions.

replies(1): >>42184883 #
1. thrasibule ◴[] No.42184883[source]
R integrate is just a wrapper around quadpack. It works with arbitrary functions, but arguably dnorm is pretty well behaved.