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180 points frectonz | 6 comments | | HN request time: 1.266s | source | bottom

pglite-fusion is a PostgreSQL extension that allows you to embed SQLite databases into your PostgreSQL tables by enabling the creation of columns with the `SQLITE` type. This means every row in the table can have an embedded SQLite database.

In addition to the PostgreSQL `SQLITE` type, pglite-fusion provides the `query_sqlite`` function for querying SQLite databases and the `execute_sqlite` function for updating them. Additional functions are listed in the project’s README.

The pglite-fusion extension is written in Rust using the pgrx framework [1].


Implementation Details

The PostgreSQL `SQLITE` type is stored as a CBOR-encoded `Vec<u8>`. When a query is made, this `Vec<u8>` is written to a random file in the `/tmp` directory. SQLite then loads the file, performs the query, and returns the result as a table containing a single row with an array of JSON-encoded values.

The `execute_sqlite` function follows a similar process. However, instead of returning query results, it returns the contents of the SQLite file (stored in `/tmp`) as a new `SQLITE` instance.

[1] https://github.com/pgcentralfoundation/pgrx

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robertclaus ◴[] No.42183246[source]
What are the use cases for this? I can't imagine designing a database schemas to use this in a typical product. Is it intended for hybrid applications to back up local user data directly with their account info?
replies(4): >>42183347 #>>42183361 #>>42183493 #>>42185818 #
simonw ◴[] No.42183361[source]
I can think of plenty.

The most interesting one for me is if you're running a SaaS product like Notion where your users create custom applications that manage their own small schema-based data tables.

Letting users create full custom PostgreSQL tables can get complex - do you want to manage tens of thousands of weird custom tables in a PostgreSQL schema somewhere?

I'd much rather manage tens of thousands of rows in a table where one of the columns is a BLOB with a little SQLite database in it.

replies(2): >>42183779 #>>42186863 #
munk-a ◴[] No.42183779[source]
> Letting users create full custom PostgreSQL tables can get complex - do you want to manage tens of thousands of weird custom tables in a PostgreSQL schema somewhere?

Yea, I'd be fine with that - postgres has the concept of databases and schemas within those databases. If you really want to build a product like that I'd suggest starting with per-tenant schemas that leverage table inheritance as appropriate. The permissions would be pretty easy to manage.

Though, in a lot of cases I've actually seen this done every client ends up with a dedicated server (or container - whatever tech you use to do it, something completely isolated from other instances) because user version management ends up being a huge issue. When you're building something that custom it's highly likely that version migrations need to be done with client oversight to ensure everything actually works.

I have yet to find an actual real world case where the inner-platform effect is the right solution. Usually when tools like that are selected the software ends up being so generic and flexible that's it's useless. Custom application/BI environment development relies on really judiciously telling users they can't have most features - with the hard part being figuring out which features are necessary and which ones you can cut to reduce bloat.

replies(1): >>42184217 #
1. jitl ◴[] No.42184217[source]
Notion has 100 million users, managing schema-per-tenant at our scale sounds like a complexity nightmare. We have 480+ identical schemas across 100+ Postgres hosts, and that already takes a lot of brainpower & engineering time to manage T_T
replies(1): >>42185066 #
2. bob1029 ◴[] No.42185066[source]
> managing schema-per-tenant at our scale sounds like a complexity nightmare.

The per-tenant schema could be the tenant's responsibility. Most non-technical users can handle the idea of tables & columns, assuming you leverage UI/UX patterns they are already familiar with.

replies(1): >>42185386 #
3. jitl ◴[] No.42185386[source]
Our UI looks like a table: https://www.notion.so/help/intro-to-databases

As long as we never add new features, never need to change how we map UI <-> Postgres DDL, and our users never make any mistakes when they change their tables, it could work without being a complexity nightmare

replies(1): >>42186593 #
4. mbesto ◴[] No.42186593{3}[source]
Curious - so how do you manage client-specific schemas then? Do you just have mappings in postgres (column1, column2, column3, etc.) or maybe store a client specific schema in bson per client?
replies(1): >>42189493 #
5. jitl ◴[] No.42189493{4}[source]
It's all JSON in two Postgres tables: `collection` which represents a Notion Database and has a `collection.schema` JSONB column, and `block` which has a `block.properties` JSONB column that stores the property values - the stuff in the Notion Database cells - for each row. We apply "schema on read" when querying or rendering a Notion Database, and we have a service on the backend that builds indexes/caches for hot collections on the fly. The service handles all the queries for collections larger than X rows. For smaller collections, we just give the client the whole thing modulo permissions and it does the query locally.
replies(1): >>42217123 #
6. mbesto ◴[] No.42217123{5}[source]
Thanks! Super helpful.