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272 points abdisalan | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.211s | source
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vessenes ◴[] No.42175536[source]
This will always be an issue for the node community - it’s endemic to the JavaScript shipping / speed culture and the package management philosophy.

Go is much, much better on these terms, although not perfect.

I’d venture a guess that Perl 5 is outstanding here, although it’s been a few years since I tried to run an old Perl project. CPAN was dog slow, but other than that, everything worked first try.

I’d also bet Tcl is nearly perfect on the ‘try this 10 year old repo’ test

replies(6): >>42175774 #>>42175778 #>>42177239 #>>42181293 #>>42181469 #>>42182989 #
skybrian ◴[] No.42175778[source]
Go’s minimum version selection is the way and I don’t understand why other ecosystems haven’t adopted it. You’re be able to compile an old project with all the library dependencies it had at the time it was released. It might have security issues, but at least you start with a version that works and then can go about upgrading it.

It also helps that if some library dependency generated Go code using a tool, the Go source code is checked in and you don’t have to run their tool.

replies(2): >>42176210 #>>42176443 #
1. vessenes ◴[] No.42176210[source]
I truly think it's just because the engineers that started working with node were ... young. They wanted to rapidly iterate, and so crufty old habits like this weren't what they wanted or felt they needed.

What's been interesting is watching these devs age 10 years, and still mostly decide it's better to start new frameworks rather than treat legacy code as an asset. That feels to me like a generational shift. And I'm not shaking my cane and saying they're wrong -- a modern LLM can parse an API document and get you 95% of the way to your goal most of the time pretty quickly -- but I propose it's truly a cultural difference, and I suspect it won't wash out as people age, just create different benefits and costs.