In true JavaScript fashion, I decided to learn PHP again by building a framework to put all the pieces together in my brain.
I absolutely love, and decided to base the PHP framework on that. Dumbo isn't intended to compete with Laravel, Symphony or Slim, if anything, it's something people can use in production, but also contribute to and be used as a learning resource for others.
Eventually discovered just building stuff was going to bring me the most joy, no matter the tool. It's been a joy learning PHP again though, even if I do suck at it right now.
I find when I start a project I pretty quickly want to add an ORM, models, and maybe some middleware, and then I'm at a point where I might as well just use Laravel because it's fast enough and I know my way around.
But if you're looking for something more modern and interesting, then Hyperf looks pretty cool. They have a mini-framework version you can check out:
It does require Swoole, but that is a lot easier to get your hands on these days