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399 points gmays | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.215s | source
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astahlx ◴[] No.42166980[source]
Since this is the most important and urgent topic humanity should be working on: why isn’t this the case? Idiocracy is here. Don’t look up.

We have to throw everything into the race. But how to do this with the current inner workings of our societies? How to overcome greed? What about the power of (social) media? Why do we have Netflix and so on? How can we make people spend their time solving climate crisis, saving our planet earth?

replies(5): >>42167125 #>>42167134 #>>42167290 #>>42167339 #>>42167474 #
zb3 ◴[] No.42167290[source]
No, humanity doesn't need to work on it at all, instead, humanity should be working on a peaceful painless extinction, because that will happen anyway, but not necessarily in a painless way.
replies(2): >>42168006 #>>42168094 #
t0bia_s ◴[] No.42168094[source]
Wealthly west is dying, fertility rate per woman is way below 2.1.

United States: 1.67 live births per woman (2022)

European Union: 1.46 live births per woman (2022)

It's even worse after covid.

However, Niger has 6.4 per woman.

replies(1): >>42168232 #
zb3 ◴[] No.42168232[source]
Yep, the primary problem is Africa.. but if the earth becomes inhabitable (this will happen sooner or later) this problem will be solved. But it'll most likely be brutal and preventing that brutality is precisely what I think humanity should focus on..
replies(1): >>42170922 #
t0bia_s ◴[] No.42170922[source]
Why is an Africa a problem?
replies(1): >>42171517 #
zb3 ◴[] No.42171517[source]
Read the last sentence of my comment again.. and again, until you understand what I'm talking about. LLMs won't help as they're brainwashed to avoid this topic.
replies(1): >>42171861 #
t0bia_s ◴[] No.42171861[source]
You make some alarmist claims that cloud or could not happen. Climate change constantly and we as humans have ability to adapt as history shows.

How AI could be brainwashed?

replies(1): >>42172033 #
zb3 ◴[] No.42172033[source]
Extinction on earth will happen and that's an undeniable fact.

AI is made by humans, humans are biased towards existence, and if AI came to conclusion that humans should stop reproducing that would be seen as "oh, that's a dangerous AI that wants to kill human race".

replies(1): >>42172157 #
1. t0bia_s ◴[] No.42172157[source]
It sounds more like your opinion, or wish.

Technically speaking, AI cannot be brainwashed if it does not have a brain.